Aloha from Kodiak,
I left Old Harbor as scheduled at sunrise and followed that narrow stretch of water called Sitkalidak Straight. It was getting pretty tight with less than 200 meter from shore to shore and shallow as much as 10 ft even with a 3 hour old hightide. BUT it was beautiful. Nature was breathtaking.
The hills and the mountains looked like they were covered by a lush green soft blanket. It looks so calm and friendly almost like a green cushion.
I was the only boat out there, only spotted one Fisher on the distance and sailed downwind through teletabby country. Don’t know if that’s an international phrase..?
The straight has many inlets, some of them a couple miles deep and I pointed ZEROS bow in quite a few of them. A fisherman from Old Harbor told me yesterday that there is a dead whale and I’m most likely gonna see bears around it. So I tried to find it but couldn’t.
What I found was a probably sleeping shark right in front of my bow. I wondered what that black triangle in the water could be, it was stationary and I thought about reefs.. I reduced speed and went to the bow. When we were close to it I could see a 7 foot shark just waking up when we were very close and quickly swam away..
When I left the sheltered water of the inlet I felt the brutal power of the North pacific again. The waves weren’t very big but they had so much power and we got pushed around like a little canoe.. I could imagine how it would be out there if there is a winter storm stirring up the water.
I’m in Kodiak now. I arrived at 10 pm and asked for a slip . Tim, member of the harbor master crew, helped me with my lines. We were both on the slip when we recognized that one line was tangled around the bbq. He tried to climb aboard but slipped and landed in the water. Splash.!!
I immediately let loose of the sternline and helped him out. He could manage to hold himself on the already attached forespring so he didn’t dive in all the way but at least up to the bellybutton he was wet. I offered a warming rum but all he said was it’s OK! It’s summer!
Tough guy.
So ZERO was tied securely and I went ashore. My cellphone didn’t get any Internet here so I tried to get a WiFi.
It took ages to download all the emails, read all the comments and check Facebook.. And I didn’t have enough time to upload a post with pictures before Mc Donalds closed. I even stood outside a while and replied to some comments but it was getting cold so I went.
It’s an amazingly good feeling to read all your good wishes, congrats and questions I couldn’t receive while on the ocean and I wanna thank you all for your kind words. I also wanna thanks my old friend Torben back in Germany who made posting offshore possible. Without him none of my little reports would ever have reached you. Mahalo Nui!
I’m going to keep posting but probably can’t do it so much because my satphone plan is running out at the end of the month and I can’t spend 130$/ month just for posting my little news and cellphone coverage is pretty thin up here..
I hope you understand..
But when I find a WiFi I’m back in the game..
I’m late I know, but I fall asleep yesterday while writing these words so I finished in the morning. I found a bar on my way way back to ZERO and made new friends until sunrise.
Now I’m going to see the harbormaster to do the paperwork..
The hungover captain
Thanks for sharing your voyage!
Great to see you have made your journey finally and of course, safely! I have followed you the entire sail and eagerly awaited your postings each day. You gave us all, I am sure, a smile and a laugh. Enjoy your time in Alaska, which I know personally, is gorgeous! I look forward to meeting you and Rebecca one day soon.
Colleen from Canada – Brian’s ladyfriend